Monday, February 12, 2007

Classroom Blogs in the United States

I found a blog at South Valley Junior High in Liberty Missouri. There is an eight gradehistory class who has a blog. The teacher Mr. Langhorst uses this blog to discuss assignments and even has class notes and lectures on there. It also includes audio where the students can listen to lectures and interviews with their Missour House of Representatives.He even has a blog on a historic novel that the class read called The Year of The Hangman. On this blog he asks the class to dicuss different parts of the book. I believe that this was a great way to get the kids involved in their school work and discussion. Click on the word Blog to visit this blog.

There was another blog from Chehalem Valley Middle School in Newsburg Oregon. This blog was different that the other blog that I viewed. These students did more blogging like in our class. They talked about a variety of topics and commented on each others blogs. I liked how they were showing the kids how to navigate the internet and use the computer by bringing in their own likes. This type of blogging was a totally different approach that the eight grade class in Missouri used but I liked this method ad blog more than the previous one. Click on the word Blog to go to the website where I found this blog.

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