Sunday, February 4, 2007

My First Weeks of Blogging

I have honestly enjoyed blogging these past few weeks. I have done the whole myspace thing beore but not blogging itself. The idea of bringing blogging into a classroom is great. It can allow students to communicate more. Not only will this create many friendships but it will allow students to ask questions about homework.
Bringing this in K-12 classrooms has both positive and negative aspects. The positive things seem to outweigh the negative greatly. At least in nmy opinion they do. One positive aspect is it allows comunication skills to be created. Many kids are not as open as others so this can allow every child to express things and allow the others to read what they have written. Also it can increase a childs knowledge and use of the internet and a computer. There are many children who may see learning lame. Blogging may cause them to become more interested in learning and in learning about each other.
Some negative things are that all children may not have access to a computer or internet service. This can cause a great problem in a classroom because some children may be behind or even feel insignificant to the other children. Also some children are better at computer things than others causing their blog to be better. But all of these things can be solved in one way or the other. So overall I think that bringing blogging into classrooms is a great way to boost learning in children. I am a college student and I think that I benefit from blogging in the classroom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think one thing that could help with have some kids being behind is to let them work on the blogs in groups of like four. You could try to put the groups together by their experience. While the rest of the class is working on something else then you could help the groups who are working on the blog. So you could teach different groups different things and hopefuly no one would be embarassed.