Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April Showers

Well so far April had met its expectations by bringing us some showers. Which I have no problem with because hey at least my car will get the pollen rinsed off of it. I actually like the month of April because it means that summer is almost here which is always a plus. I mean school is almost over for the semester and that means that I do not have to drive 45 minutes five days a week at least until the fall. Plus PEEPS are here. I love peeps there great. Well everyone I hope that you have a good day and enjoy reading my blogs.


bridgetposey said...

Hey Amber,
The semester seems so long. Are you starting pre-sequence in the fall? I cannot wait til summer, either!

BJ Evans said...

ok so your website is ok im a littl edissappointed though WHERE ARE THE FORDS??????? CHEVY SUCKS!!!!!! WOO HOO

ashley said...

Hey amber,
my name is ashley ziglar and i am in the 6:00 class. I think your website is great. I did not see any red marks on any of your pages. If i were to make any changes maybe i would label each title with the car your showing instead of just a number. I would also maybe put some faster cars on there that you do not see often. Well the semester is almost over!!!